Yan is a young drug dealer who lives on the street and does not have a stable job. Francis is a nighttime watchman and a daytime temporary worker. He is exhausted by this life that he shares with his dog only. For Morgane - the woman he loves - Yan is prepared to stop trafficking and to find a minimum wage job in a warehouse. Will he have the strength to follow this new path despite peer pressure, the cost of life and the fear of precariousness? Francis - having already made up his mind on that question - will help him make a decision.
Prix du Meilleur Scénario au Grand Off Award de Varsovie
Grand Prix au Festival et Prix du Public au Un Festival c’est trop court
Prix du Public au Leeds Festival
Grand Prix au Festival Premiers Plans
8e Prix UniFrance du Court-métrage
Prénommé au César du Meilleur Court-Métrage