

Julia, une trentenaire qui a du mal à trouver un travail stable et à exister aux yeux de sa mère, découvre dans le cadre de son nouveau petit boulot, l’inquiétude et la fragilité des mères. Si bien qu’elle fait un pas vers la sienne, malgré tout.


Best Comedy and Best Short of the season (runners-up) - Indie Short Film Fest, Los Angeles

Best Comedy and Best actress pour Carine Ribert - New York Tri State International Film Festival

Best Comedy (honorable mention) - Tokyo International Short Film Festival

Best Comedy - Toronto International Women Film Festival

Best Comedy - Paris Film Awards

Best Comedy - Venice Shorts of California

Best Film of the Month (2ème), Best Comedy, Best Women Short - Independant Shorts Awards, Los Angeles

Best Comedy Short & Best Festival Choice - Sleeping Owl Film Festival, New Delhi

Best Short Film & Best Comedy Film - Art Film Award, Skopjce (Macédoine)

Best Comedy - New York Independent Movie Award

Best Comedy - Rome International Movie Award

Best Short Film & Best Original Story - Oniros Film Awards, New York

Best Director Short Film - Lulea International Film Festival, Lulea (Suède)

Best Comedy - Berlin International Art Film Festival

Best Comedy - International Symbolic Art Film Festival de Saint Petersbourg

Best Comedy - Paris Play Film Festival

Best Comedy - Auber International Film Festival, Aubervilliers

Honorable Mention (3ème best short) - Best Indie Film Festival, Londres

Fiche technique


festival festivals